
Defending the Faith and Answering Questions

Photo by Sylvain Brison

Winter/Spring 2025

Class Content


Class Book: Reasons for Belief: Easy-to-Understand Answers to 10 Essential Questions by Norman L. Geisler and Patty Tunnicliffe.

Recommended Resources Handout

1. John Lennox

Selected books:

a. Can science explain everything

b. Gunning for God

Podcasts: Practical Wisdom, What is Truth

2. Steven Meyer

Selected books:

a. Signature in the cell,

b. Return of the God Hypothesis,

c. Darwin's doubt

Podcasts: Discovery Science: God and the Origin of the Universe

3.  Michael Behe

Selected books:

a. Darwin's Black Box,

b. Darwin Devolves

Podcasts: Secrets of the cell

4. James Tour:

Podcasts: Uncommon knowledge, Unraveling the origins of life

5. David Berlinski

Selected books: Devil's Delusion

Podcasts: Socrates in the City; The Big Bang

6. Eric Metaxas

Selected books:

a. Miracles,

b. Letter to the American Church

Podcasts: Socrates in the City

7. Francis Collins

Selected books: The language of God

8. Steven Hawking

Selected books:

a. A brief history of time,

b. The Universe in a nutshell

9. Richard Dawkins

Selected books:

a. the God delusion,

b. The blind watch maker

10. Brian Greene

Selected books:

a. The elegant universe

b. The fabric of the cosmos

11. C.S. Lewis

Selected books:

a. Mere Christianity

b. Abolition of man