Together 2024

In 2024, we are launching an initiative to help deepen our spiritual life together as a church family. This is not just another study or a plan for the new year; it's a way for us to live out what we profess every Sunday—to be an intentional community grounded in prayer and God's Word, together!

What's Involved

  • A theme verse for the month, with a simplified version for our children, to encourage memorization and reflection. We’ll practice the memory verse together on Sunday mornings.

  • A chapter study each week to delve deeper into God's word. If you already have your own Bible reading plan, great! This is an easy add-on. If you don’t have regular habit of reading the Bible regularly, then this will be a great place to start!

  • A dedicated prayer and fasting focus to coincide with our day of prayer and fasting on the first Wednesday of each month (and continuing throughout the month).

May 2024


For the month of May we will focus on Marriage

Key Verse / Memory Work:  1 Peter 4:8

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”

(Children’s Version)

“Love each other deeply because love covers sin.”

Weekly Chapter (for Individual & Family Study)

  • Week #1:         Ephesians 5:1-33
    Live a life of love

  • Week #2:         1 Peter 3:1-12 & Ecclesiastes 9:3-10
    Submission and consideration

  • Week #3:         Romans 15:1-13 & Ephesians 4:1-6
    Bearing one another’s burdens

  • Week #4:         1 Corinthians 7
    Principles of marriage

  Pray & Fasting Focus

  • For loving each other deeply and unselfishly

  • For seeking unity in marriage and in the body 

  • For depending on the Spirit’s power to love and to submit

April 2024


in Christ

For the month of April we will focus on Maturity in Christ

Key Verse / Memory Work:  Ephesians 5:1-2 (NIV)

“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.”

(Children’s Version)

“Be like God in everything you do because you are His dear children.”

Weekly Chapter (for Individual & Family Study)

  • Week #1:         Colossians 3
    Holy living

  • Week #2:         1 John 4:7-21 & 1 Corinthians 13
    The love of God

  • Week #3:         Psalm 23 & Psalm 92 (especially verses 12-15)
    Led by the Lord; the righteous will flourish

  • Week #4:         2 Peter 1
    The growth and grounding of our faith, the components of our spiritual maturity

  Pray & Fasting Focus

  • For knowing in our hearts that we are God’s dearly loved children so that we can walk daily in His presence 

  • For opening ourselves daily and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into the fullness of Christ 

  • For our love to go beyond feelings and into sacrificial action

March 2024

Kingdom Living | Prayer & Fasting

Bible reading plan

Monday, 3/4 Matthew 7v24-27, Psalm 1

Tuesday, 3/5 Matthew 5v1-4, Psalm 62

Wednesday 3/6 Matthew 5v5-8, Psalm 30

Thursday, 3/7 Matthew 5v9-12, Psalm 34

Friday, 3/8 Matthew 5v13-16, Psalm 15

Saturday, 3/9 Matthew 5v17-20, Psalm 19

Sunday, 3/10 Matthew 5v21-22, Psalm 23

Monday, 3/11 Matthew 5v23-26, Psalm 81

Tuesday, 3/12 Matthew 5v27-30, Psalm 84

Wednesday, 3/13 Matthew 5v31-32, Psalm 97

Thursday, 3/14 Matthew 5v33-37, Psalm 50

Friday, 3/15 Matthew 5v38-42, Psalm 42

Saturday, 3/16 Matthew 5v43-48, Psalm 51

Sunday 3/17 Matthew 6v1-4, Psalm 112

Monday, 3/18 Matthew 6v5-8, Psalm 77

Tuesday, 3/19 Matthew 6v9-13, Psalm 121

Wednesday, 3/20 Matthew 6v14-15, Psalm 32

Thursday, 3/21 Matthew 6v16-18, Psalm 63

Friday, 3/22 Matthew 6v19-24, Psalm 146

Saturday, 3/23 Matthew 6v25-27, Psalm 104

Sunday, 3/24 Matthew 6v28-30, Psalm 37

Monday, 3/25 Matthew 6v31-34, Psalm 103

Tuesday, 3/26 Matthew 7v1-6, Psalm 131

Wednesday, 3/27 Matthew 7v7-12, Psalm 16

Thursday, 3/28 Matthew 7v13-14, Psalm 139

Friday, 3/29 Matthew 7v15-20, Psalm 22

Saturday, 3/30 Matthew 7v21-23, Psalm 130

Sunday 3/31 Matthew 7v24-27, Psalm 118

Daily reflection questions

1. What does today's reading reveal about God?

2. What does it reveal about you?

3. What is the Holy Spirit leading you to do with what you read?

4. Who needs to hear what you've learned?

Prayer Focus

  1. To seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness.

  2. To live as salt and light in the world, to the glory of God.

  3. To build our lives on practicing the way of Jesus, together.

Memory Verse

Matthew 5v3-10

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

February 2024


in the Church

For the month of February we will focus on Leadership within the Church

Key Verse / Memory Work:   1 Peter 5v5b (NIV)

“All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’”

(Children’s Version)

“Be humble to others, and God will give you grace.”

Weekly Chapter (for Individual & Family Study)

  • Week #1:         Philippians 2
    Imitating Christ’s Humility

  • Week #2:         1 Corinthians 12
    One Body, Many Parts

  • Week #3:         Titus 2
    Older Men, Older Women, Younger Women, Younger Men

  • Week #4:         1 Peter 5
    To the Elders and the Flock

  Pray & Fasting Focus

  • For our leaders’ protection, unity, humility, and vision on seeking the LORD and His leading 

  • For the body to honor and build up our leaders 

  • For guidance on recognizing and encouraging potential leaders within our body

January 2024


Key Verse/ Memory Work:   Psalm 93v1-2

“The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.  Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity.”

Children’s Version:

“The Lord reigns in majesty and strength forever.”

Weekly Chapter (for Individual & Family Study) 

  • Week #1: Psalm 104
    O Lord my God, you are very great.

  • Week #2: Job 38v1-20 and 42v1-3
    There is none like you, God.

  • Week #3: Exodus 33v7-23 and 34v1-10
    Show me your glory.

  • Week #4: Psalm 93
    The Lord reigns forever. 

Pray & Fasting Focus

  • To behold the majesty of God

  • To seek after the Lord in wonder and with humility

  • To proclaim the Lord’s rule and reign in our lives, the life of our church and community