We’re excited to meet you!

We know that church can sometimes be confusing or intimidating, but we believe being part of a church family on mission is one of the best things in life! The invitation of Jesus was a simple one: “Come, and you will see” (John 1v39). We extend that same invitation to you! We believe following Jesus is about being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and being committed to Jesus’ mission. We believe that best happens in relationships, and we want to experience that with you!

361 Scott Ave
Morgantown, WV 26508


Service Times


Sunday Morning at 10:30


Wednesday at 6:30


  • Bible Teaching

    Each week we will open the Bible together to learn from God’s Word in practical and in-depth ways. Each sermon is usually between 30-45 minutes and most often unpacks one or two key Scriptures in practical and in-depth ways. Our teaching is designed to inspire, encourage, and train us to follow Jesus more faithfully.

    We encourage everyone to use a Bible, and bring a notebook to take notes to help you put the teaching into practice. If you don’t have a Bible, we would love to give you one!

    During the sermon, we have kids’ classes for ages 3-5th grade.

  • Communion

    Each week we gather to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus by sharing in communion with each other and examining our own hearts.

    As we break the bread, we remember that Jesus’ body was beaten and broken for us. As we drink the cup, we remember that Jesus’ blood was poured out for us and has cleansed us of our sin.

    The bread and the juice are available in a double-stacked cup that can be picked up on the table in the lobby, as you enter the auditorium.

    Communion most often occurs after the sermon.

  • Worship

    Every Sunday, we worship by singing with sincere hearts in a simple, a cappella style. We sing old songs and new songs, with the words projected on a screen so everyone can participate. Our praise team (or sometimes pre-recorded music) helps us lift our voices to God by leading our music.

  • Prayer

    The Scriptures teach us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5v17), and so prayer is an important part of our worship. We will be led in prayer several times throughout the service, and we will occasionally break into small groups to seek God together in prayer.

  • Fellowship

    Because we believe that church is supposed to be family, we never want to worship as strangers. Each week, there will be plenty of opportunity to fellowship and to connect with someone—whether that’s grabbing locally roasted coffee in the lobby, giving someone a high five or hug at the start of the gathering, or sticking around to chat after the service.

    We hope you’ll come early and stay after so we can get to know you more, but don’t worry, we don’t ever want to single you out or put you on the spot!

  • Offering

    Each week, we give a financial offering to help us fulfill our mission to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus. We believe God wants us to give cheerfully and with a willing heart. Our offering is for the members of our church family; if you are visiting with us, we don’t expect you to give. We just want you to experience the joy of worshipping with God’s people.

    You can find out more about our giving by clicking here.


  • You can expect services to last about an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half. There will be a greeting and welcome, singing and prayer, a message from the Bible, and communion. One of our shepherds will share closing announcements and send us out to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus.

  • All our kids join us for the first part of our worship, as we sing songs and pray together. Before the teaching portion of the service, kids ages 3 through 5th grade will be dismissed to their classes in the kids’ wing of the building.

    We can give you directions to the kids wing when you visit, but you’ll likely just be able to follow the rush of kids excited for their classes!

  • You can wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable! You can dress up if you want, but most of our church family dresses in respectful but casual attire.

  • All our songs are meant for participation, so we hope you’ll sing along! Our tradition is to sing in a simple but profoundly beautiful a cappella style (that is, without instruments).

    We project the words and the notes on the screen to help you sing along while our praise team team leads us.

    We sing a blend of older hymns and new worship music.

    Some of us sing well, and some of us…not so much. No matter your talent level, we want to worship God with our hearts and our voices!

  • Yes, we share in communion every week! Communion is available on a table in the lobby, that you can pick up on your way into the auditorium. We will share in a communion moment during the service, usually toward the end.